Navigating the Future of Workforce Development: A Deeper Look into Internal Talent Development vs. External Hiring

Where is the future of workforce development heading? As previously discussed, a survey found that less than half of the open roles in a company are being filled by internal candidates. Managers fear that if they release their top performers for higher positions, it will cause an overall decrease in retaining current internal talent.

With an awareness of the issues facing the current workforce, Corporate College Services believes that non-traditional education can play a pivotal role in addressing them. This approach to learning often leverages technology to offer a variety of learning modalities, such as online courses, blended learning, and self-paced study options. Flexible learning aims to accommodate different learning styles, schedules, and life situations, promoting a more personalized and adaptable educational experience. By offering tailored solutions for organizations that empower existing employees, Corporate College Services works to create a more agile, skilled, and versatile workforce.


Here’s how these flexible learning methods can specifically contribute to overcoming this challenge:


Skill Enhancement and Specialized Training:

  • Current Challenge: Internal employees may be perceived as lacking the specific skills required for new roles or projects.
  • Solution: Non-traditional education allows organizations to provide targeted skill enhancement programs. Corporate College Services can design specialized training modules that address specific competency gaps. This ensures that internal employees can acquire the precise technical and soft skills needed for new responsibilities, making them more competitive candidates for internal promotions, while strengthening the organization’s capabilities.

Flexible Learning Paths:

  • Current Challenge: Traditional education models may not offer the flexibility required for employees to upskill while managing their current responsibilities.
  • Solution: Unbundled education embraces flexibility in learning delivery and implements flexible learning paths, including online courses, micro-credentials, and modular training programs. This enables employees to engage in continuous learning without disrupting their daily workflow, making it easier for them to acquire new skills and competencies. Even further, CCS also has virtual classes with live sessions similar to an in-person class.

Internal Talent Mobility Programs:

  • Current Challenge: Middle managers may hesitate to release their top performers for fear of losing talent.
  • Solution: By fostering a culture of unbundled and flexible educational methods, organizations not only empower their workforce to adapt to new challenges but also contribute to the creation of a reservoir of highly skilled professionals for the organization. This strategic approach not only addresses the immediate skill requirements for open positions but also eases middle managers’ hesitation by instilling a mindset of continuous improvement within the company at every level.

Recognition of Skills Over Job Titles:

  • Current Challenge: Internal talent is often overlooked due to a focus on job titles rather than a broader view of employee skills and capabilities.
  • Solution: Non-traditional education emphasizes a skills-based approach. With Corporate College Services, you can collaborate with curriculum designers to implement skills assessments and competency frameworks that go beyond job titles. This ensures that employees are recognized and considered for new opportunities based on their full portfolio of both technical and soft skills, achievements, and potential rather than solely on their current job title.

Customized Learning Experiences:

  • Current Challenge: Employees may disengage from traditional, one-size-fits-all training programs.
  • Solution: Flexible educational techniques prioritize customized learning experiences, which create paths based on individual career goals and areas needed for improvement in the workforce. Additionally, employees may not realize that they already qualify for higher education credits based on work experience. CCS works with adult students to help them accelerate and customize their educational pathways. This approach increases employee engagement and ensures that the training directly aligns with the skills required for internal career progression.

Cultivation of a Learning Culture:

  • Current Challenge: Organizations may lack a culture that values continuous learning and internal talent development.
  • Solution: Unbundled education encourages a learning culture within organizations. Corporate College Services works with companies to establish mentorship programs, knowledge-sharing initiatives, and a supportive environment that encourages employees to continuously grow their skills. This cultural shift fosters a proactive approach to talent development from within.


Non-traditional education, especially when integrated with the services provided by Corporate College Services, offers a powerful solution to promoting a higher rate of internal candidate promotions. By focusing on skill enhancement, flexibility, recognition of diverse skills, and fostering a culture of continuous learning, nontraditional education contributes to creating a workforce that is not only skilled but also adaptable and well-positioned for internal career progression.




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